Failing To Treat Sesamoid Of The Foot? Learn About Seesamoidectomy For Athletes
Sesamoid foot injuries are painful but respond to conservative treatment. If these techniques fail, a sesamoidectomy can provide relief.
Hallux Rigidus vs Bunions: When Do I Need Foot Surgery?
Conditions like bunions or hallux rigidus affect the big toe. Here’s how to tell the difference and to determine if foot surgery is required.
Is Foot Surgery Worth It? Understanding Hammer Toe Correction & Treatment Options
A hammertoe is unable to extend, causing unbearable pain. There are surgical treatment options, but is foot surgery the best move?
Sesamoiditis In Runners: When To Consider Sesamoidectomy
Runners are prone to many types of injuries, including sesamoiditis. Consider these reasons to choose a sesamoidectomy.
Do I Need Bunion Surgery? Bunionectomy & Osteotomy
Bunions are bony bumps that cause the big toe to bend inwards. Based on the severity of the issue, a doctor may decide on a surgery called bunionectomy and osteotomy.
How Does Osteoarthritis Affect The Feet? Hallux Rigidus Signs & Symptoms
Hallux rigidus, or stiff big toe, can be caused by osteoarthritis in the feet. Know the signs and symptoms and when surgery is needed.