Quickly Improve Range Of Motion With Outpatient Elbow Arthroscopy Surgery
Elbow pain due to an underlying condition can limit range of motion. Outpatient elbow arthroscopy can diagnose and treat the issue.
What Are The Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Microdiscectomy Compared To Laminectomy?
To treat a long-term spinal condition, a patient may need surgery. Are there benefits to the different kinds of surgery?
Tired Of Arthritis Limiting You? Learn More About The Success Of Subtalar Fusion Surgery
Arthritis can affect the subtalar joint of the foot, severely limiting movement. Subtalar fusion surgery can reduce pain.
What Is The Recovery For Tendon Repair Surgery? Injury Types And Healing Time
Struggling with a tendon injury? Patients can find relief from torn tendons with tendon repair surgery and consistent physical therapy.
Why The Best Physical Therapists Are Raving About Epidural Steroid Injections
Epidural steroid injections can help with chronic back pain. Furthermore, these injections add tremendous value.
Trigger Finger: Effectiveness Of Steroid Injections Compared To Percutaneous Trigger Release
Trigger finger can be debilitating, but many patients find relief with steroid injections or, in persistent cases, surgical trigger release.
Sesamoiditis In Runners: When To Consider Sesamoidectomy
Sesamoiditis is the swelling and pain of sesamoids. Sesamoidectomy is considered when conservative treatments fail.
Protect Your Hands: Lifestyle & Home Remedies For Mild Dupuytren’s Contracture
Severe Dupuytren's contracture can cause permanent deformities of the fingers. However, some simple remedies can reduce the symptoms.
Can A Facet Joint Injection Relieve My Lower Back Pain?
Chronic lower back pain can limit movement and lead to more serious spinal conditions. Can a facet joint injection help with pain relief?
4 Questions To Ask Your Spine Surgeon About Direct Lumbar Interbody Fusion
For patients seeking pain relief, direct lumbar interbody fusion (DLIF) uses minimally invasive techniques to significantly decrease pain.
Can I Get Minimally Invasive Surgery For Wrist Tendonitis?
Wrist tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons in the wrist. In severe cases, minimally invasive surgery can reduce long-term pain.
Facet Joint Injections vs Epidural Injections: Spine Injections & Pain Management
Chronic pain conditions involving the spine can benefit from spine injections. A doctor or pain specialist will choose two options.